Canarywood, also known as Tarara Amarilla, is a strikingly beautiful hardwood flooring material that comes from the forests of Brazil and Bolivia. Its initial color is bright yellow and orange with accent streaks of red, brown, purple, and black. After exposure to sunlight and atmosphere, the vibrant colors mellow a bit, but the wood will still maintains its unique character and appearance. Canarywood hardwood flooring has a hardness rating of 1860, which is almost identical to Tigerwood.
Elemental currently stocks Canarywood hardwood flooring in 3/4″ x 3” & 4” widths; lengths are 1’-7’. The product is clear grade and only available as prefinished hardwood flooring.
Canarywood is just another example of the many different exotic hardwood flooring species available from Elemental. If you have any questions regarding this product, or any others, please don’t hesitate to contact Elemental at 503.419.6407