ELEMENTAL Hardwoods (EH) and its namesake brand of exotic hardwood flooring delivers abundant variety, beauty, and value to a wood flooring market inundated by oak in a thousand shades of stain. We offer wood flooring specialists (distributors and their customers) a unique mix of imported woods, many unavailable elsewhere in the market. Examples include Canarywood, Patagonian Rosewood, Bolivian Coffeewood, Chontaquiro, Black Mesquite, Amendoim and Brazilian Teak – woods that are as durable as they are beautiful and in an array of natural colors that do not require stains for elegance and lasting beauty.
ELEMENTAL wood flooring transforms your floors and your home into a natural work of art.
Feeling oak fatigue? We have energizing options for you.
Our gorgeous woods will be the centerpiece of any home, a talking point with visitors, something your friends and neighbors will envy and want to copy. Flooring showrooms need exotic alternatives to domestic woods and the maze of wood-print vinyl products that are non-renewable, non-recyclable, and environmentally unsustainable. Real wood flooring is unique, non-repetitive, warmer on your feet, and much more planet sustaining than synthetic alternatives.
ELEMENTAL keeps operating costs minimal so what you pay goes to those who grow and create these one-of-a-kind hardwoods, delivered to you at surprisingly affordable and comparable cost. We do NOT squeeze our suppliers or their forest resources in this process.
Fact: Real wood flooring more than pays for itself in value added to any home. EH has special warehousing agreements with customers to keep storage costs low.
Our long relationships, history and expertise in manufacturing and procurement deliver top quality products direct from manufacturers at fair prices for all. We utilize technology and information to our strategic advantage, employing www.elementalhardwoods.com as the primary marketing and educational platform for our diverse suite of products. This unique combination of size, strategy, and know-how allows us to deliver beautiful exotic wood flooring and lumber to ELEMENTAL customers at tremendous value year after year after year.
About the Owner

ELEMENTAL Hardwoods founder, John McGlocklin, first visited the Brazilian Amazon in the 1990s and fell in love with the immense rainforest and its diverse people. Through the course of a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies at Tulane, deep immersion in Latin American language and history, and two decades of life and work in Brazil, John learned a great deal about the functioning of sustainable forests.
John’s unique experience – born of decades of Amazonian adventure, friendship, and quest for sustainable livelihoods and forests – has culminated in a rare skill set and gift for selectively sourcing beautiful hardwoods for flooring production. Now based out of Seattle, Washington, ELEMENTAL Hardwoods is the manifestation of John’s enduring appreciation for the world’s greatest rainforest.
For more information, message John directly on Linkedin, email john@ehwoods.com, or call him at (504) 756-8876.